Welcome To Relationship Solution Funnels
Helping You and Those Around You Find Solutions
What Is The Best Solution For You?
Success Blueprint
What Is A Relationship Solution Funnel?  
The more we trust the right people and the right systems the faster we move from the funnel of frustrations to the funnel of success / helping others.  You are free to move as fast or slow as you wish and we will be with you all along the way.
Once we determine our biggest challenge / problem we then put ourselves in a great position to solve the challenge / problem with the best solution(s).  
We are committed as a network to helping you / others around you to mutually discover the best solutions to solve challenges / problems at a core . . . to heal problems . . . not just help.
Once you submit a challenge / problem or better yet complete a free / gift 30 minute Strategy Session, your network will start to search for the best solution(s).  We have found members within our community tend to like three types of solutions, a basic, an intermediate and an advance.  More on that later.

The Secret About Time

33% of all challenges / problems are directly connected to not having enough time.  97% of those asked "If you had more time would it help you to solve your problem, said "Yes."  FREE White Paper . . . AND . . . 10 FREE videos which reveal The Secret About Time.  For some individual's it given them 20+ hours of free time a week and some are taking off one week every month.

Mastermind Partnerships

NEW "Intermediate Solution" brings together coaching, mentoring, 12 month powerful curriculum, Coffee Connections, tools, systems and a whole lot more.

Master & Monetize (M&M)

Discover ~ Tell and Monetize Your Story in 17 Magical Steps along with a whole lot of other individuals doing the same thing.  
LEVERAGE . . . The Course
The Magical Arts of POSITIVE Motivation & Manipulation
Have you ever . . . felt that you had far more potential . . . that you were not fully tapping into?  Do you ever wonder why it seems like you may work a lot harder than those around you and may not get everything coming to you?  Do you wish you could earn a lot more, work a lot less, have less stress and have better life balance?
LEVERAGE . . . The Course will help you to SEE the world in a very different way.  It will cause you and those around you to learn to think in a very different way.  Register today and request the special unlisted bonus offering.  
A Few Questions . . . & Directions To Assist

Why do we call it "Relationship Solutions Funnel?"

Relationships are built on TRUST.  Our members learn to trust one another and the solutions in an ever expanding fashion, i.e. a funnel. At the top of a the funnel, there may be a mess but at the bottom there is something amazing which will impact a lot of people.  
30 minute GIFT Strategy Session
The 30 minute Strategy Session is a GIFT, there is no charge.  It's the next step after you share your biggest challenge

Do I Really Need A Blueprint?

Albert Einstein said "You can never solve on the level it was created."

To solve our challenges / problems, at a core level it's usually best to have a custom blueprint created just specifically uniquely for us.
3 Relationship Solutions Levels
If someone knows they need help, but aren't sure what type of help, the basic solution is a great place to start.  If someone is low on funds and/or there is not a strong sense of urgency and/or the individual is the type of person who needs to understand everything before doing anything . . . basic solutions is a great way to get started.  
Investment Range ~ FREE . . . to less than $500 . . . $300 or less a month.
The type of individual / company / organization which moves forward with the intermediate tends to be those who are very intuitive and tend to just "know" or "feel" it's the right things and just jump right in. 
Investment Range ~ $2,000 up front . . . 
to $1,000 or less a month.
Normally individuals / companies / organizations will not start off at the advanced solutions, but will move to the advanced from the intermediate.
Investment Range ~ $10,000+ up front . . . 
to $3,000+ a month.
3 Relationship Solutions Levels

White Paper Library ~ FREE

Over 70 white papers on many topics designed to help you better understand your challenge / problem to give you a better understand as other ways of thinking about a specific problem.  Do you have a topic you would like to have included?  

Online Courses ~ Varies

There is a vast library of online courses which are designed to assist individuals in specific areas of their personal and/or professional life.  Our biggest challenges help us reveal areas of specific needs.

Mastermind Partnerships

Premium Mastermind Partnerships are designed to put you at the top of the food chain, to develop your own IP Intellectual property, to lead Coffee Connection groups and HOST Mastermind Seminars.

Video Library ~ FREE

Hundreds of videos which cover DNA for LIFE, Natural Laws to help us to learn to think different in a creative and fun way.

Mastermind Partnerships
$50 ~ $1,000/mo

Basic and Intermediate levels are innovative approaches to developing ourselves and those around us.  

ActionVision for Teams

Systems which approach team development in a way that is so innovative that thought leaders from around the world are sharing they have never experienced anything like this in their careers.  

Master & Monetize ~ $24/mo

Discover ~ Tell & Monetize your Story.  17 Steps to discovering how to tell you story in the most amazing and compelling manner that you draw many people to your life vision, why you were put on this planet.  

1 on 1 Coaching

What is our Life Vision . . . what we were put on this planet for?  What actions / systems do we need to have engineered for us to empower us to live our life vision each and every day?

Executive Virtual Assistants

Do you have not enough time / bandwidth for all the amazing ideas you possess?  E-VA's will change the way you do business and will clone your success and fill in the gaps that you have in your leadership team and / or with systems development.
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