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Box 6: Group / Target: Everyone

This filer could really be used for anyone we know or even those we don’t know. It’s a general filer which will create curiosity.

How to best send out emails: You can obviously just send out via your regular email or you could do something in more of a mass / larger email. Most of the time clicking on the flier and then copy / past will work. We have found that MailChimp email services tends to work best for most people and the first 2,000 people you have there is no cost. 🙂 www.MailChimp.com It’s very cool that you can see everyone specifically who “Opens” and everyone who “Clicks” on the link as well. Helps use to know who to maybe call who might be most interested.

Community Empowerment Teams (CET’s)

Imagine . . . tapping into the connections of all the leaders within your community to grow your business AND to bring value to those within your community. The CET program /system will help you accomplish more in one meeting than most businesses will accomplish in years.


History / Overview

Next Steps

To Obtain BEST Results
Others have found that if we put a short message above the flier with a link individuals are more likely to read and act on the flier. The following are short sentences which others have found helpful in drawing people in. Feel free to modify the message if you feel a different message might work better for your group.
Subject Line
Could you do me a quick favor?
I found this Coffee Connection flier to be interesting and wanted your thoughts on it.
Could we connect over coffee maybe so I could get your thoughts and feedback?
Your Name
<< Copy & Paste Flier into your email here >>>
Business Customers / Connections
Subject Line
Do you think this might be a good idea for us to build our businesses together better?
I found this Coffee Connection flier to be interesting and wanted your thoughts on it.
I’m thinking that something like this might be mutually beneficial for you and I and a lot of other people both of us know.
Could we connect over coffee maybe so I could get your thoughts and feedback on the flier and maybe how we could better work together?
Your Name
<< Copy & Paste Flier into your email here >>>
Subject Line
I was curious about your thoughts . . .
Have you ever wondered . . . if there was a better way to connect with more people and grow one’s business faster?
I ran across this flier and wondered your thoughts.
I know we don’t know each other, but thought maybe connect over coffee about a Coffee Connection might be something that would be positive for both of us and others we both may know.
Let me know your thoughts and maybe a short phone conversation would help us determine if it would make sense for us to have coffee together.
Your Name
<< Copy & Paste Flier into your email here >>>