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Weekly Virtual Meeting & Podcasts

1-1: Referral Partners ~ Getting clients to pay ... Loans + More


Do you know how to develop a professional referral partnership system where you create a referral generation machine? 

Every week, live attendees join with their successes, stories, and any challenges / problems they may be facing. Those who attend live gain the most benefits... so ... join us:

Audio Podcast
Every Thursday ~ 6:30 am (et) ~ www.RavingFan.net
Video Podcast

1-2: Coffee Connections ~ BACEE

" How do we gain the most benefit from leveraging Coffee Connections, and any other networking group, to grow our business in a systematic way? What are the required systems? "



Step 1: Talk with your ARRT Mentor and two ARRT Buddies about how you can work together to achieve more, do it faster, and with less effort. Take a few minutes to review the Coffee Connection website and share your thoughts, insights, and ideas with others.

Step 2: Take some time to review the agenda and other supporting tools and resources that will help you achieve greater success.

Audio Podcast
Step 3: Consider this: If there are seven core members, each investing 10 minutes, consider how that helps everyone gain 70 minutes while only investing 10 minutes themselves. That's a 700% return on your time. BACEE is all about how to get more of the best people to attend Coffee Connection. BACEE, which stands for Before, After, Consistent, Energizing, and Enlarging, encompasses the five things that will grow a Coffee Connection to a size that will help everyone who attends see greater success in their business.
Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Ball and/or Conflict with Others, you likely will be the amiable personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your concern and compassion for people ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your concern and compassion for people. See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.
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This Podcast will encourage you and help you heal!!!

Table Of Contents

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When we help others to grow their business, they will help us to grow our business.
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